Saturday, November 28, 2015

It Goes On

I have always loved the wisdom of Robert Frost. He always managed to express things in such a profoundly simple way. Tonight I was scrolling through one of my Pinterest boards, which is a board filled with quotes that somehow resonate with me, in one way or another, and I came across one such profoundly simple Robert Frost quote:

                                          "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

And go on, it does. Even when a parent, or a friend, or a sibling, or a child dies. Even when a family member deserts you. Even when the person you love more than anyone else in the world betrays you. Even when those who are supposed to protect you, lead you right into extreme danger. Even when the pain- physical or emotional- seems more than you can bear.

Life goes on. Even when we don't want it to.

Life is fragile, yes. It can be gone in an instant. But it is also tenacious, and harder to snuff out than we sometimes think.  One of the scientists in Jurrasic Park says, "Life always finds a way." Life goes on. And sometimes the only thing to do is to ride it out. Let go and let the current take you where it will, until you finally have the chance to regain some sense of control. When things get rough for me, sometimes I'll answer a "how are you" with, "I'm alive." Usually, the response is, "Well that's, a plus." Or I'll hear someone say, "Well at least you're alive." And here's the thing: it can be hard for people to accept that, sometimes, that's really not what we want. That sometimes, we would actually prefer to switch places with someone who died young but didn't want to. Our society has a hard time accepting that sometimes, just living can be so overwhelming, we'd rather not. And that in some cases, waking up in the morning isn't what we wanted to happen. But yet, we do wake up. Our lives do go on. We try to keep going. To keep breathing. To stop the freefall.

Sometimes, the best we can do is, to reference a previous post, "fake it till you make it." Because sometimes, like it or not, life does in fact, just keep going. And all we can do is pretend to be okay with it until we finally do make our peace with the fact that life, as Robert Frost put it, goes on. 

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